Following the latest announcement regarding a second national lockdown, we would like to provide further reassurance that we continue to deliver training safely, at customer sites and at our own training centres, in line with the latest government advice.
We remain fully functional, with all offices remaining open and contactable and some staff working from home. As for our courses, instructors delivering our training are fully briefed and understand the necessity to follow all relevant guidance for the safety of everyone in attendance.
On 2nd November, ABA founder members AITT and RTITB released a joint statement to emphasise that COVID-secure lift truck training must continue for those working throughout lockdown. We continue to follow all government, HSE and accrediting body guidance, specifically the AITT method statement for safe MHE training during the outbreak, and our own 6-point plan, to ensure that we continue to deliver safe training for our customers throughout this period and beyond.
As ever, we will keep our customers updated as anything changes but, in the meantime, if you have any questions or would like to see our COVID-19 policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.