Minimum 6 months relevant operating experience
(tested within 3 years of instructor course date and on truck type relevant to that being used on the course)
Duration: 1 Day
Delegates: 1-2
Mentor Training provides nationwide operator and instructor training
Designed to help employers with their candidate selection process.
Tests the delegate to the required operating standard expected at instructor level and gives them an overview of what is expected on the 10-day instructor course, to see if they are a suitable candidate. This one-day assessment will help employers (and candidates alike) to confirm whether an individual is operating at the required level and has the necessary characteristics to become a successful instructor, before enrolling them in comprehensive instructor training.
This assessment not only involves confirming practical ability, but also instructional techniques and planning lessons.
Courses are delivered at Mentor training centres or on site for your convenience.
>> View Course Lengths
(tested within 3 years of instructor course date and on truck type relevant to that being used on the course)
Duration: 1 Day
Delegates: 1-2
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